Etxekoa, from home, homemade

The Sarasketa – Divassón family is a family farm that works the land and manages the complete cycle of our work and dedication.

We carry out our annual work in FOUR PHASES: First phase – We produce grapes for the production of txakoli. Second phase – We produce txakoli with the Bizkaiko Txakolina Designation of Origin / Txakoli of Bizkaia. Third phase – We distil the pomace from the txakoli production to obtain our liquors. Fourth phase – With the distilled grape pomace we obtain compost that serves as fertilizer for our vineyards.

That is to say, we carry out a complete cycle of production and transformation of the fruit of our work. We produce grapes for the production of txakoli. With the grape pomace remaining from the pressing and through the distillation process, we produce eau-de-vie (pomace spirit). And with the remaining pomace from the distillation, we produce compost that will serve as fertilizer that will help our vineyards to produce grapes again.



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